ph: 760-983-0764
Picnic Checklist
Silverware/Serving utensils/Knife
Can opener/Bottle opener/Wine opener
Glasses/Cups/Wine glasses
Salt/Pepper Shakers
Individual wrapped condiments
Paper towels/Handi wipes/Hand Sanitizer
Coolers - 1 for drinks/ 1 for perishables
Ice Packs
Small Cutting Board
Extra Water bottles
Trash bag - can put under blanket if ground is moist
Extra baggies
Bug repellant/Sunscreen
Citronella candles/votive candles/matches
Resealable containers
First aid kit
Squeeze bottle of 1 part water/3 part vinegar - keeps ants away
Folding Chairs/Table
Frisbee/Ball & mitt
Allergy Medication
Fill up zip lock bags with water and freeze so you can place conveniently amongst packed items without water dripping on items.
Although a Block of Ice works great in a large Ice Chest - remember that Ice Chests are not made to go in freezers so Ice must be added not made in container.
If you have left over raw food (unprocessed or cooked) you can dig a hole and bury as it will compost (only in rural areas - not public parks) but all else must be removed or placed in secure trash cans so animals will not get into it.
You can place a roll of paper towels on the leg of a chair for use and no blowing away or getting lost - easy access
Freeze some of your water bottles so they stay cool longer and also provide cooling for your other food items without getting anything wet.
Assorted Picnic Sandwich Recipes
Assorted Picnic Dessert Recipes
ph: 760-983-0764